AST 'CHAMPIONS' Edition December 2017 Digital-Dec2 | Page 50

Volume 18
Beyond assembly lines , corporations have experienced automation success stories in the business functions of accounting , recruiting , and customer tracking .
Giants of American business are even appointing automation task forces to carry the success from these functions into all operational areas .
December 2017 Edition
During these patrols , there is inherent danger and at times adverse climate conditions , which put manpower at risk and lead to variations in their performance .
These variations in the form of alertness and diminished capacity can impact quality and productivity .
Security is the plausible next area . The time is now to automate routine safety , maintenance and surveillance tasks to better protect critical infrastructure , assets , and people .
Here ’ s one relatable example . Think about how we apply for jobs these days .
( The programmable , self-directed Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV robotics system represents the next frontier in outdoor security . Watch the automated unmanned ground vehicle carry out a range of missions in this video ! Courtesy of Sharp IN- TELLOS and YouTube )
In the “ human ” resource management ( ironic as this may sound ) function of recruiting , you likely do not interact with a person until you are through 2-3 layers of automated vetting .
Company recruiters have relinquished the redundant tasks associated with their roles , such as preliminary resume reviews and scheduling interviews , to automation .
Allowing a computer to handle these administratively intense aspects of the job , recruiters can focus on higher value functions that require interpersonal skills and greater subjectivity .
Security guards , like HR recruiters , have mundane daily routines ideally suited for robotic intervention , such as perimeter patrol .
The Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV normalizes performance of routine work and provides impartial data observations . Guards are taken out of harm ’ s way and refocused on other critical security tasks they may otherwise not have time or attention for .
Integrating this extra layer of robotic protection to your security may also reduce insurance costs . All of this makes the automation of security a logical progression for businesses .
To be a solution to both public and private frontline protectors , Sharp has subjected our outdoor robot to third-party evaluation and standardization . This is aligned to Sharp ’ s business philosophy “ to use our unique , innovative technology to contribute to the culture , benefits , and welfare of people throughout the world .”