AST 'CHAMPIONS' Edition December 2017 Digital-Dec2 | Page 48

Volume 18 December 2017 Edition Sharp INTELLOS – Making Home a Safer Place From first thought to market unveil, Sharp Electronics has maintained clear focus to deliver robotic technology that could be applied in a positive way to improve security and in turn the world by helping people be safer. Integrated with your other technologies, the INTELLOS A-UGV augments your skilled guard force to provide comprehensive aware- ness & help your organization meet today’s ever-changing security landscape. Whether private or public, home is a place of be- longing and refuge. By Alice DiSanto, Director of Marketing, Sharp Electronics Corporation The word home has far-reaching conno- tations for each of us. Beyond the building where we reside, it can be where we work (home office), where we feel at ease (hometown), or where we feel most akin (homeland). Sanctifying home to be safe and secure becomes a shared goal to which we all can contribute. 48