AST 'CHAMPIONS' Edition December 2017 Digital-Dec | Page 73

Volume 18 what Sharp is doing with our Sharp INTELLOS Automated Unmanned Ground Vehicle (A-UGV). December 2017 Edition is no longer reliant on hand-held controls to con- duct outdoor surveillance missions or incident response. The Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV and the robust video, audio and environmental data collected is transmitted through an encrypted wireless network and can be used for preventative, reactive and pre- dictive purposes. (Cutting-edge features of the Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV can help protect people, infrastructure, and assets. See it in ac- tion! Courtesy of Sharp INTELLOS and YouTube) Though perhaps not as overt in robotic use, prof- itability and productivity goals have made the pri- vate sector believers in automation. Law enforcement and the military have been us- ing robots for decades, though the operation has been mostly remote control. Bomb units and tactical teams learned early on the benefits of sending machines rather than hu- mans into dangerous situations. (The programmable, self-directed Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV robotics system represents the next frontier in outdoor secu- rity. Watch the automated unmanned ground vehicle carry out a range of missions in this video! Courtesy of Sharp IN- TELLOS and YouTube) Beyond assembly lines, corporations have ex- perienced automation success stories in the business functions of accounting, recruiting, and customer tracking. The INTELLOS A-UGV augments your skilled guard force to provide comprehensive awareness & helps your organiza- tion meet today’s ever-changing security landscape They were willing to work through tedious opera- tions, image quality issues and distance limita- tions all for the preservation of human life. Evolving to our autonomous platform, manpower Giants of American business are even appoint- ing automation task forces to carry the success from these functions into all operational areas. Security is the plausible next area. The time is now to automate routine safety, main- tenance and surveillance tasks to better protect critical infrastructure, assets, and people. 73