AST August 2018 Magazine Aug 2018 Final (8.14.18) | Page 35

CONTACT LAW ENFORCEMENT: Volume 26 • Contact law enforcement immediately and inform them of any court orders and the potential for international parental child abduction. • Request that law enforcement enter information about your child as missing person in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) as soon as possi- ble, so that your state’s troopers or highway patrol can widen the search for your child. • When working with any law enforcement official ask for the officer’s full name, e-mail, fax number, direct phone number, a dispatch line with 24 hour coverage, and backup officer. CONTACT AIRPORT POLICE AND THE AIRLINES: If Your Child Has Been August Abducted 2018 Edition Overseas, We Can: • Give you information about various resources that may assist you in pursuing the return of, or access to, your child, • Provide you with a list of attorneys in the country where your child is located, • Answer questions from local and federal law en- forcement about the Department’s role in interna- tional parental child abduction cases, and • If your child has been abducted to or retained in a country that is a Convention partner country, re- gardless of you or your child’s citizenship or legal status, forward a completed Convention applica- tion, and monitor the case throughout the foreign administrative and legal processes. If Your Child Has Been Abducted Over- • Contact the airlines and airport law enforcement that is stationed at the departing airport, if known. seas, We Cannot: • Because the United States has no exit controls, • Provide you with legal advice, recommend a spe- abductions can only be prevented if the appro- cific course of action, or represent you in court, priate authorities at ports of exit are made aware • Guarantee the return of, or access to, your child, of courts orders that prohibit travel prior to departure. • When contacting air- lines, ask to speak with an airline corporate security officer, explain the situation, be ready to prove you have a parental relationship to the child, and ask if there is a reservation under your child’s name. • This can help mobilize efforts to stop child 33 abductions.