AST August 2018 Magazine Aug 2018 Final (8.14.18) | Page 13
Volume 26
(A Tunisian man who was allegedly once a bodyguard for Osama Bin Laden was living on ben-
efits in Germany, sparking major criticism from anti-immigration politicians. Courtesy ofCour-
tesy of RT America [Be advised RT America is a TV channel based in Washington, D.C., which is
part of a global multilingual television news network based in Moscow, Russia, and funded by
the Russian government] and YouTube. Posted on Apr 25, 2018.)
Germany, was deported to Tunisia.
August ul-Islam
2018 Edition
wa al-Muslim-
in’ (JNIM), an Al
Qaeda affiliate,
claimed responsi-
bility for a suicide
bombing in Gao,
Mali, which left
two dead and doz-
ens wounded.
The attack targeted
patrolling French
Sami acted as Osama Bin Laden’s body-
On July 8, 2018: Uqba bin Nafi, an Al
guard, and has been living in Germany since Qaeda affiliate, claimed responsibili-
Additionally, Sami was receiving more
than $1,000 a month in welfare checks.
On July 9, 2018: An unidentified boy,
16, of Sutton Coldfield, U.K., has been
sentenced to six years in a young of-
fender’s institute for attempted to trav-
el in June 2017 to join Nusrah Front, a
now defunct Al Qaeda affiliate.
Recent Al Qaeda Plots/Attacks
On July 2, 2018: Jama’a
ty for an attack which left six Tunisian
soldiers dead and three wounded.
Th e attackers targeted a convoy patrolling
in Ghardimaou, Tunisia, near the Algerian
borde r.
On July 20, 2018: Khalid Ali, 28, who
in April 2017 was arrested for plot-
ting to attack Members of Parliament
and police outside the House of Par-
liament, has been sentenced to three
life sentences, and a minimum of 40