that are in development, Even pre-dating
April the
2020 - Edition
virus/hygiene concerns, there
and trends in the industry.
were many options for con-
We talked with leading indus- trolling access to facilities and
try experts who have direct secure campuses, using a vari-
knowledge of products both ety of access control and authen-
currently in use and in de- tication technologies.
velopment – that will address
the ever-changing needs for au- Turnstiles, portals, optical se-
thentication, as well as the new curity lanes,
lanes , access controlled
hygiene challenges highlight- doors, perimeter security
ed by the global COVID-19 cri- fence gates, vehicle gates, full
height turnstiles all may have
A popular SlimLane turnstile from Automatic Systems,
Systems , deployed at a YMCA facility
which incorporates a biometric fingerprint reader,
reader , however, in light of the coronavi-
rus pandemic,
pandemic , industry experts anticipate this technology is likely to fall by the way-
side, as fingerprint readers require physical contact/touch.
contact/touch .