with the additional benefit
of reducing the tendency for em-
ployees to group or cue up when
entering their workplace.”
What about Cost?
Of course we understand that
while features and perfor-
mance of any technology are
drivers for product selection de-
cisions, we cannot forget that
cost is a factor as well.
There is little doubt
April that
2019 - costs
Edition will
come down as the technology be-
comes more mature and widely
accepted – but for now costs need
to be acknowledged and accepted
as we consider these options.
Are biometrics the only an-
There are good arguments to sup-
port biometrics. But our research
suggests that long range card
readers and smartphone access
Generally speaking, some of the control will also have a strong
latest biometrics technologies place in many security designs
such as hand wave and fa-
cial recognition readers
can cost up to 10 times the
cost of simple card readers.
Several thousand dollars
vs. several hundred dol-
lars is a good general cost
Fingerprint readers and
some other contact-type
biometrics might fall in
Nicholas Raffin, Idemia