AST April 2018 Magazine AST April Magazine (3.30.18) | Page 54
Volume 22
April 2018 Edition
Fentanyl is commonly distributed as a powder and looks similar to other illicit drugs found on the streets.
Responding to a Growing Epidemic:
Detecting Fentanyl Using Portable GC/MS
By Philip Tackett, Ph.D. Product Manager, Detection FLIR
Systems, Inc.
Clandestine drug labs are not a new problem for
responders, but they are growing in number and
present potentially dangerous crime scenes.
One of the greatest opioid threats facing respond-
ers today is fentanyl.
Portable gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/
MS) equipment can help hazardous materials (HAZMAT)
response teams quickly identify white powders, like fen-
tanyl, and associated cutting agents on-scene.
(Learn More. Opioids are a very serious exposure threat in the
workplace, for first responders and even drug detection K-9s.
This FLIR PRIMED episode delivers critical steps responders can
take for protection when responding to opioid incidents.)