AST April 2018 Magazine AST April Magazine (3.30.18) | Page 49
Volume 22
• Comprehensive Solution
• Reporting Compliance
• Proven – threats successfully identified and prevented
April 2018 Edition
ly manner, reinforcing the dignity of every student in our
Glue Board technology is effective in assisting school
In terms of bullying prevention, the technology gives districts to achieve goals set forth by governmental man-
school administrators a comprehensive tool that pairs a dates.
smart and powerful, cloud-based incident management
In New York State, for example, The Dignity Act, otherwise
system with a mobile bullying app.
known as the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), New York
Incident management is critical for holding responsi-
ble parties accountable, especially when early warn-
ing signs appear.
With Glue Board, reported incidents will never be
overlooked because they must be addressed and re-
solved in order to be removed from the system.
Principal Darbie Dallman Safford of Saint Paul the Apostle Cath-
olic School
“Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic School has a commit-
ment to creating a safe environment for our students,”
said Principal Darbie Dallman Safford of Saint Paul the
Apostle Catholic School in Richardson, Texas.
“The only way for us to address issues is to be aware of
them in the first place.”
Glue Board pairs a mobile bullying app with a cloud-based in-
cident management system. Via the app, students, parents and
“The Glue Board App gives Saint Paul School students and teachers can submit – either with their name or anonymously –
parents a tool to report to the school what they see or hear.” text, images & screen captures of social media or text messages
“School personnel can act on that information in a time- to school administrators.