AST April 2018 Magazine AST April Magazine (3.30.18) | Page 21
The Interagency Security Committee’s policies,
standards, and best practices are designed for
Federal security professionals responsible for
protecting nonmilitary federal facilities in the
United States.
(Remembering the April 19, 1995 tragedy in Oklahoma
when a truck bomb exploded outside of the Alfred P. Mur-
rah Federal Building injuring hundreds and leaving 168
people dead. Courtesy of NBC News and YouTube. Posted
on Apr 20, 2015)
The Standard also provides guidance for
countermeasure customization for federal
Approximately 350,000 federal facilities
across the country require a comprehensive
risk assessment methodology.
As such Facility Security practitioners must address
the threats, consequences and vulnerabilities of 33
undesirable events identified in The Risk Manage-
ment Process for Federal Facilities: An Interagency
Security Committee Standard Appendix A: The De-
sign-Basis Threat (DBT) Report, June 2017, 11th
The Design-Basis Threat Report defines an un-
desirable event as:
The ISC standards apply to all nonmilitary
federal facilities in the United States—wheth- ERAL FACILITY THAT ADVERSELY IMPACTS
er government-owned, leased, or managed; THE OPERATION OF THE FACILITY, THE MIS-
to be constructed or modernized; or to be SION OF THE AGENCY, OR PERSONNEL.”
purchased .
This ISC standard de-
fines the criteria and
processes that those re-
sponsible for the secu-
rity of a facility should
use to determine its
facility security level
and provides an inte-
grated, single source
of physical security
countermeasures for
all nonmilitary federal