AST April 2018 Magazine AST April Magazine (3.30.18) | Page 47
Volume 22
April 2018 Edition
Glue Board, part of the Soter Technologie’s Digital Fly™
suite of school safety products, gives the power of anony-
mous bullying and threat reporting to students, parents,
teachers and school administrators.
ents via the ‘Push Soter Alert’ (PSA) feature which allows
important safety and security notifications to be quickly
given to all Glue Board subscribers, including students,
parents, teachers, administrators, members of law en-
forcement and others.
“Students across the nation are facing unprecedented
These subscribers are given an easy-to-use, real-time
combination of threats,” explained Peterson.
mobile reporting and communication tool which can
“As a former bullying victim, I know what it is like to be send emergency alerts to school administrators, to add
scared at school. No student should ever be in fear at an additional layer of protection before and during in-
“All too often we are seeing students who
are victims of bullying turn to violence
and suicide. This must be stopped.”
Derek Peterson, CEO of Soter
Technologies and former
victim of bullying
“To do our part we have decided to act
now to get technology into schools that
will help prevent bullying and reduce
“With stopping bullying and enhancing
school safety being urgent imperatives
that are core to our mission, we are offer-
ing the Soter UP50 Incentive Program that
empowers ‘Upstanders’ in all 50 states to
help conquer bullying.”
“The first 10 school districts in all 50
states that sign up under the UP50
Program will receive Glue Board li-
cense-free* for the first year.”
“We are doing this today because we know
with tight budgets, red tape and other hur-
dles, it may take months or years to get life-
saving technology into schools.”
Situational awareness and rapid emer-
gency response are critical for saving
School officials can use the Glue Board tool
to communicate with students and par-