AST April 2018 Magazine AST April Magazine (3.30.18) | Page 33
Volume 22
April 2018 Edition
HSI encourages the public to report suspected child predators and any suspicious activity
through its toll-free Tip Line at 1-866-DHS-2-ICE or by completing its online tip form.
The next and last phase of the CHEXIA effort will be to con- The CHEXIA Program will be completed in December 2018.
tinue evaluating face algorithms against child exploitation
digital imagery to determine the most effective algorithm In addition to technological advancements in the fight
against child exploitation, in 2018 S&T will also begin ap-
for law enforcement and integrate that algorithm.
plying the social sciences to address behavioral aspects of
Thus far, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects the problem.
Agency (IARPA) Janus algorithms are out performing
all other algorithms against this very difficult data First, S&T will develop a research roadmap.
Through extensive stakeholder interviews, needs and gaps
in research pertaining to child exploitation will be identi-
This information will inform and serve as the foundation
for future research undertakings.
When it comes to the unconscionable and hideous crime
of child sexual and physical exploitation, S&T is devel-
oping innovative technologies to help level the playing
field for law enforcement agents to fight against perpe-
(Learn More. ICE salutes our veterans who continue their service
trators and save innocent children from a life of torment
to our nation by working for us. At ICE, we support our veterans
from their abuse.
in many ways, including ICE HERO Corps.)