2023 ‘ ASTORS ’ Champion : 365LABS
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2023 CHAMPIONS - Edition 68
• 365 CAD / RMS
• Best Handheld Mobile Device Solution
• 365Labs ’ Mobile Apps extend CAD & RMS to handhelds and phones , using patented technolo- gy for ease of use and to simplify user inter- actions .
• The real-time and of- fline technology im- proves situational awareness and offi- cer safety , reduces re- sponse time , and sim- plifies workflows for first responders .
• 365Labs offers a complete CAD / RMS / JMS / Case
Management system to modernize Law En- forcement , Criminal Justice , and First Responders using Ar- tificial Intelligence and common sense .
• The 365Labs Public
Safety Cloud Platform for LEOs , Prose- cutors , and Corrections software tightly connects with Microsoft 365 and brings the advantages of CLOUD and CoPilot AI .
• With rapid implementation , teams are empowered , and op- erations are streamlined .
365 CAN / RMS