The 2023 ' ASTORS ' Awards Ceremony and exclusive sold- out event featured at ISC East , more than 240 representa- tives of law enforcement , pub- lic safety , and industry leaders came together to honor the selfless service of those who stand on the front lines , and those who stand beside them – providing the capabilities and technologies to create a safer world for future genera- tions .
AST was delighted to welcome high-level representatives of the ATF National Center for Ex- plosives Training and Research , CBP , the HERO Child Rescue Corps of ICE , DHS Science & Technology Directorate , the Cy- bersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
, the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control , DHS Federal Pro- tective Service ( FPS ), Argonne National Laboratory ( ANL ), U . S . Army G-38 , and the FDNY among others .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2023 CHAMPIONS - Edition 68
Comprehensive collaborations between these private and public sectors lead to inno- vative intelli- gence and tech- nologies that serve to protect our Nation .
The 2023 ' ASTORS ' Lifetime Achievement Award Honored Legendary Police Commissioner William Bratton