Databuoy ’ s SHOTPOINT ® goes beyond conventional security measures , offering a comprehensive solution to the specific threat of gun violence with indoor , outdoor , and ver- tical gunshot detection capacity as a versatile and adaptive tool .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2023 CHAMPIONS - Edition 68
enabling real-time monitor- ing of activities .
High-resolution cameras , cou- pled with intelligent video analytics , enhance situational awareness , detecting anoma- lies and potential threats . Vid- eo intelligence that can be dis- seminated in real time , along with shot notifications , greatly enhance planning and enable responders to go directly into action .
Recognizing that camera tech- nology alone does not make us safe , but camera technolo- gy matched with sophisticat- ed detection and cueing , like Databuoy ’ s SHOTPOINT ® tech- nology , becomes an extreme- ly effective tool in life safety emergencies .
Databuoy ’ s SHOTPOINT ® goes beyond conventional security measures , offering a comprehensive solution to the specific threat of gun violence with indoor , outdoor , and ver- tical gunshot detection capacity as a versatile and adaptive tool .