Databuoy ’ s SHOTPOINT ® Capable of identifying and resolving the trajectory angle of an elevated shooter transportation hubs must contend with unique security challenges . Casinos , with their bustling and open-to-public spaces , grapple with the need for robust security techniques and measures for threat miti- gation .
deploy electronic gunshot de- tection , are all the same prop- erties required to use commer- cial fire detection equipment .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2023 CHAMPIONS - Edition 68
These businesses and Institu- tions face a diverse range of vulnerabilities , from the risk of armed assailants in a box re- tail store to the potential for a large-scale mass casualty in- cident t in a stadium .
Airports serving as critical mass
Databuoy ’ s SHOTPOINT ® Capable of identifying and resolving the trajectory angle of an elevated shooter transportation hubs must contend with unique security challenges . Casinos , with their bustling and open-to-public spaces , grapple with the need for robust security techniques and measures for threat miti- gation .
Government buildings , hous- ing sensitive information , and officials require a layered de- fense system to deter and defend potential breaches . Meanwhile , schools , nurturing the future generations and tomorrow ’ s leaders , neces- sitate a security structure that prioritizes the well-being of students and staff .
Databuoy ’ s cut- ting-edge SHOTPOINT ® system goes beyond conventional security measures , offering a