( The National Public Safety UAS Conference 2024 will be held on March 12-13 . Courtesy of DRONERESPONDERS and YouTube .)
them to learn , train , and test with the objec- tive of maxi- mizing drone operations for public safety , and counter- ing the grow- ing threats of rogue drones .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2023 CHAMPIONS - Edition 68
DRONERE- SPONDERS is led by Director Chief Charles Werner ( ret .), and is himself a 2018 ‘ ASTORS ’ Award Champion honored for his many years of ser- vice .
DRONERESPONDERS is made up of a team of subject matter experts in various disciplines , including aviation , aerospace , photogrammetry , GIS and ther- mography , engineering , emer- gency mgmt , public safety , telemedicine , trauma care , and more , and hosts the largest online Resource Center and the Global Public Safety Drone Directory /
https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = z8KJ _ ntTNWs
( The National Public Safety UAS Conference 2024 will be held on March 12-13 . Courtesy of DRONERESPONDERS and YouTube .)
Board of Advisors includes the best and brightest engaged in UAS operations and program mgmt for public safety , to ensure DRO- NERESPONDERS serves the great- er good as the premier source of public safety UAS research and knowledge
Member- ship and all resources are FREE .
To learn more or join today , please visit www . droneresponders . org .