“ Our decision to select HALO was based on the versatility of the sensor and the positive reviews from other schools ,” explains Samuel Cervantez of Castleberry School District .
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“ We also liked the simplicity of the product and how there were no re-occurring charges or fees associated with HALO .”
“ We made the right decision deploying HALO within our school district as it ’ s protecting our school privacy areas and also providing security while protecting individual privacy .”
HALO 3C also fully integrates with the all-new HALO Cloud app , where users can manage multiple HALO devices , re- ceive push notifications , re- al-time Health Index and AQI ( Air Quality Index ) alerts , and see data all in one dashboard .
Motion , occupancy , and light sensors will alert staff of move- ment , or lack thereof , in areas of concern and will send tamper alerts if the HALO is covered .
In addition , tamper notifica- tions are sent if one attempts
The HALO Smart Sensor 3C in- cludes both a physical panic button and emergency spoken keyword alerting for users to quickly address threats via a mobile phone app or by spo- ken keyword .
Samuel Cervantez , Castleberry Schools