E ​ xperience Volume 30 the Re- sults NICE Investigate will totally transform how your department manages investiga- tions and digital ev- idence, saving you time and money, improving case solv- ability, and much more. Here’s how: 2018 CHAMPIONS Edition (See how NICE Investigate, the first digital policing solution that automates and expedites the entire digital investigation process, helps investigators close more cases faster, leading to more successful prosecutions.) • NICE has found that departments can increase their investigative productivity 1000% and generate $10 in productivity savings for every $1 they spend on NICE Investigate. • A ten-fold ROI. • Experience has also shown that with NICE Investi- gate, 90% of commonly requested evidence can be collected/retrieved through a single log-on. • You’ll also improve citizen and community engage- ment with tools that make it easier to crowdsource evidence. • NICE Investigate can also potentially save weeks of • • • • • • • • Each of your detectives will save 6 to 8 hours per week. waiting for crucial evidence. For example, it can automatically correlate relevant emergency (911/999) calls and body worn video to cases. Investigators no longer need to physically request recordings from an audio records custodian or other source. Recordings can now be automatically pulled into the investigation. NICE Investigate finds evidence that could other- wise be overlooked. One customer had this to say: “You found evidence that I hadn’t found – right there is the power of the system. The evidence you found, I would’ve ‘pooh-pooh’d, but it was correct, really impressive!” Because evidence can be obtained and assembled much faster (in minutes or hours instead of days or weeks), it increases the likelihood of obtaining guilty pleas. This means more cases can be resolved successful- ly, and sooner – and this translates into significant time and cost savings – for police departments, prosecutors and court systems. 38