up delivery, allowing you to reach 2018 CHAMPIONS Edition all your recipients rapidly through mobile apps, voice calls, email, text messages, public address systems, desktop alerts, digital signage and more. Volume 30 (Rave Guardian is the smart phone app designed to provide students or organiza- tion employees with another tool to protect themselves against violence.) Rave Guardian, is a leading custom-branded cam- pus or enterprize safety app available for organi- zations to communicate directly with students or employees to provide resources, safety timers, safety assistance, and two-way communica- tions, to empower organizations to connect and protect their people wherever they are located. Rave Alert administrators can also issue geo-polls to receive poll responses and real-time location information of respondents with- out the use of a mobile app. Geo-polls solicit text-based responses, which are organized into simple, clear reports to allow lead- ers to make informed decisions based on consis- tent data. Organizations who provide Rave Guardian to their peo- ple are also providing them with options for geo-tar- geted alerts, anonymous tip submissions to report suspicious behavior, unsafe situations, crimes and other hazards, a safety timer that subsidizes user’s se- curity program as a virtual escort to add an extra layer of Rave Mobile Safety safety no matter where they’re located & More. • Bronze ‘ASTORS’ Award Winner • Rave Alert Rave Alert’s fast and easy to use interface speeds • Best Mass Notification System-Software (A University Provost says Rave Alert, “worked as planned,” as minutes after a 2014 school hooting, more than 50,000 people within the Purdue community were alerted by text message.) 165