work reconnaissance/scans, device access from un- 2018 CHAMPIONS Edition authorized clients, shell access, use of unauthorized DNS/NTP/SMTP servers, Denial of Service (DoS) at- tacks and it is able to monitor both IndigoVision and 3rd Party Cameras. Volume 30 IndigoVision • Gold ‘ASTORS’ Award Winner • CyberVigilant • Best Cyber IoT Man- agement CyberVigilant® in Camera is an enhanced firewall built into IndigoVision’s existing BX camera range which notifies Control Center users in real time when network traffic is received from unauthorized devices. • *IndigoVision is also 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Award Winner CyberVigilant® is a unique and innovative cyber-security technol- ogy that offers a quick response to potential cy- ber-threats, by applying over two decades of Indi- goVision’s expertise in IP Security to your existing system to monitor network traffic flow to de- tect anomalies such as in- trusion and unauthorized access attempts. CyberVigilant® in Camera is an enhanced firewall built into IndigoVision’s existing BX camera range which notifies Control Center users in real time when network traffic is received from unauthorized devices. The CyberVigilant® device has an embedded Linux operating system and comes with dual GigE net- work interfaces (manage/ monitor) and is made in the USA. Anomalies the device is able to detect include un- authorized configuration access attempts, net- (See how CyberVigilant by IndigoVision works in this brief introductory video.) 115