We Volume believe that 30 preparedness is a mindset and the foundation for re- siliency at an in- dividual and com- munity level which requires a holistic approach, not a sin- gle-threaded tacti- cal solution. How would your staff react in the 8 minutes prior to first responders Edition arrival? 2018 CHAMPIONS Would they know action steps to improve outcome for survival? Woud they have the confidence to take action without hesitation? PWP was devel- oped by experi- enced practitioners to provide educa- tional, state of practice actionable knowledge to individuals and or- ganizations supported by academic rigor, national level guidance, and re- sources including video. that security sense is really common sense that can be learned and ap- plied in critical, emergency situa- tions. Much the same as we were taught as chil- dren about different forms of danger and KGH has painstakinglly captured the ex- of safety, common sense tools in retrospect perience of respond- ers, of victims, and of witnesses to actual incidents to bring au- thenticity to the learn- ing experience. The key is developing a preparedness mind- set and understand- ing in large measure (In the panic and confusion ecompassing an active shooter situation it is vital to know what to do to improve your chances for survival, and also vital is knowing what to do when first responders arrive in the aftermath.) 7