Volume 30 guage feature, allows for cloud collaboration with 2018 CHAMPIONS Edition popular EFSS providers like Box®2 and OneDrive®3, as well as a bi-directional Therefore™ Portal for custom- ers where they can both upload and access informa- tion to folders that they have access to, based on their login credentials. Additional benefits of Therefore™ 2018 include direct access to office documents from Therefore™ Navigator, Platinum ‘ASTORS’ Award Winner the ability to edit documents in Therefore™ Web Access, Therefore Information Mgmt, Workflow & the capability to integrate with compatible DocuSign® Business Analytics software4, new index data types, and the ability to Best Data Security Solution *Canon is also a 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Award WInner stamp PDF documents automatically in workflow. Canon U.S.A. • • • • Therefore™ is an information management, workflow, and business analytics solution helps ensure that business in- formation is stored in a secure manner, correctly backed up and with the ability to audit the information, and can only be ac- cessed by company-authorized employees and those given ac- cess through a secure portal. Therefore™ includes a multi-lan- (Therefore’s powerful information management solutions safeguard your business informa- tion and give you greater productivity, reactivity, flexibility, and visibility into your processes.) 66