They can 30 occur even where we go to Volume play as we learned from the 1 October event in Las Vegas, and more recent- ly at the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks California, filled with college aged young adults. 2018 CHAMPIONS Edition We know is that on average it takes six-eight minutes for the first re- sponders to arrive, make entry, and contain the threat which is their first priority. Often, by then, much of the killing has already been done. What we have come to understand through the experience of conducting hundreds of workshops across the country is that the gap of time prior to first responders arrival - can be best used to take some advantage away from the individual seeking to do harm. KGH believes that the best defense to any active threat is a prepared and engaged citizenry capa- ble of sound decisions in complex and emerging threat environments. Memorial at Welcome to Las Vegas sign in remembrance of the 1 October Las Vegas shooting Replacing fear with confidence to re- act without hesitation can dramatical- ly change the outcome of an incident, wherever it occurs when an ordinary day turns into an extraordinary one without warning. (Survivors of California bar shooting describe panicked scenes and how they survived.) 5