Attivo Networks® Threat- Volume 30 2018 CHAMPIONS Edition Defend™ Deception Re- sponse Platform features a comprehensive foundation for proactive security and accurate threat detec- tion within user networks, data centers, clouds, and a wide-variety of specialized attack surfaces, which pro- a brief introduction to deception technology and the Attivo Networks ThreatDe- vides an active defense (See fend Deception and Response Platform.) for early detection, fo- rensics, and automated, accelerated in- Engagement-based attack analysis, forensics, and 3rd party integrations accelerate incident cident response to in-network attacks. response. Attivo Networks changes the game on A modular solution, the ThreatDefend De- the modern-day human attacker. ception Platform is comprised of Attivo BOTsink® engagement servers, decoys, and Deception technology provides a threat de- deceptions, the ThreatStrike endpoint de- fense of traps and lures designed to deceive ception suite, ThreatPath for attack path vis- attackers into revealing themselves. ibility, ThreatOps incident response orches- tration playbooks, and the Attivo Central Manager (ACM). (Carolyn Crandall, Chief Detection Officer and CMO, speaks to the current climate of cyber security vulnerabilities and Attivo Networks Award Winning Deception Technology at ISC East.) Taken together, these deception technol- ogy solutions create a comprehensive early detection and active defense against cyber threats, that is designed to scale with a compa- ny’s business needs. 17