We Volume understand that Active Threat is 30 not confined to active shooters; it in- cludes insider threat, terrorism, and workplace violence. 2018 CHAMPIONS Edition In September 2012 following the shoot- ing at Accent Signage Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota, several civil lawsuits were filed against the com- pany, which alleged that the company should have known from the shooter’s work history that he was potentially dangerous. Following this shooting, the Occupation- al Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) changed its General Duty Clause to include active shooter incidents as a recognized hazard in the workplace. Pending legislation (H.R.7141) will, if passed, make education and training on workplace violence a requirement. KGH’s analytic services include compet- itive intelligence, open-source analytics, market analysis, and investment oppor- tunity identification, access to technology and advanced training, and the identifi- cation and integration of breakthrough ideas and subject matter experts. A preparedness mindset transcends where we work, where we learn, where we serve, where we worship, and where we play.” Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, KGH President and Founder Founded in 2009, Kiernan Group Holdings (KGH), a Woman-owned small business (WOSB), is an intelli- gence, law-enforcement, and national security con- sulting, training, and risk services firm providing tai- lored solutions to complex challenges. KGH nurtures an array of purposeful partnerships with organizations and individuals in the law enforcement, military, intelligence, academic, and private sectors both at home and abroad. These partnerships include national level organizations as well as small innovative companies developing new capabilities. KGH’s team of cross-sector experts in threat assess- ment, emergency preparedness, and risk manage- ment specialize in providing evidence-based and state of practice Active Threat preparedness consulting ser- vices. 10