Cover Feature
Written by Stuart Wood
Students and graduates
have a wealth of fresh
ideas and experience to
offer associations. So why
are they being left behind?
AEN investigates
about sustainability, and they are full if the association highlighted what
of fresh ideas – but they are being left information is relevant for the student
behind. members, and what to do to make the
Melisa Bazane is a recent Events
most out of membership.”
Management graduate from the
University of Greenwich. During her The event architects
degree, she joined an events industry of the future
association as a student member, but
What is the purpose
of an association?
found that the communication quickly Students and graduates are not
fell off. connected to the same industry circles as
“As a newbie to the association world,
other association members. This means
I found it quite challenging to get my that if their enthusiasm and ideas are
A simple question, but one that might head around how exactly an association to be harnessed, they will have to be
not be as easy to answer as we think. works, and the benefits it could give me,” sought out.
Some associations are formed to she says. “I was advised to keep up to advocate for industry to Government. date with the main website to discover social media, a flashy logo or other
Some are formed to create crucial upcoming events and read association marketing aimed specifically at young
regulations across business. Some, publishing, but I found that many events people is unlikely to be effective: what
probably, are formed just so that a were held in locations that are not easily associations really need to do is form
bunch of Hungarian dentists can get accessible for a London university-based deeper ties with universities. This way,
together for a piss-up at an international student.” they can access a ready-made community
But I think most would agree that
The problems run deeper than simply
staying informed about association
an association’s primary purpose is events, however. Bazane says the lack
connection: pooling the collective of communication made her feel like
knowledge of everybody who works associations were not designed for her:
in a particular field for some common “Associations are largely marketed at
purpose. event professionals who have already
Why, then, do so many associations
seem to be drawing from such a narrow
Our focus this issue is on young people
established their careers in the industry.
“As a student, I felt slightly intimidated
by the association’s respectable
members and its high position in
in associations - or, more specifically, the industry. It made me feel that I
why there are so few of them. Many don’t quite belong in the association
associations lack involvement from world, based on my background and
students and young professionals, and experience.”
as a result they are not hearing the voice
It’s a sentiment that is echoed by
of an entire generation. Events students Radka Jancikova, a third year Events
and graduates have been raised in an Management student at the University
era of change, both in the industry and of Greenwich. She says: “It would really
the wider world. They are on the cutting help if the communication was more
edge of technology, they are passionate personal. It would also be very helpful
Both Radka and Melisa suggest that
of talented young students looking to
take their first steps into the industry.
“It would be
very helpful if the
what to do
to make the
most out
of mem-