Cover Feature
“Many events nowadays
talk about legacy, but
what they really mean
is putting a beehive on
the roof of a venue, then
moving on.”
There is a strong focus in Sydney on
using meetings as a tool to help build
communities. The ICC is a AUD$1.5bn
(£808m) piece of infrastructure in
the Australian capital, and Donaghy
says this brings with it certain social
responsibilities: “We are delivering
beyond our economic and financial
obligations, and with these achievements
social responsibility (CSR) representative comes great opportunity to further
partners with clients to identify problems contribute to our incredible city.
and match solutions to social and
sustainable issues, unique to each event.
“Since our Legacy Programme launched
“By engaging clients with our Legacy
Programme, we are opening up the
opportunity to deepen our impact on the
ICC Sydney Theatre,
photo by Anna Kucera
in 2017, we have successfully delivered local community, and provide a lasting a number of tangible outcomes for legacy that can be felt long after clients events can often work against them.
the Sydney community. One example and delegates have returned home.” Getting the right people involved, and
spreading information beyond the
is from the Australian Clean Energy
Summit held in July this year, where local
Creating positive change
halls of a conference venue, requires
communication. It requires the academic
university students were asked to address
a conference topic featured as part of Association events are often gatherings of and association worlds to work in close
the summit’s programme. A selection some of the brightest minds in any given collaboration, and to tell their stories in a
of the submissions were chosen to be field. With the collective brain power of way that is easy to digest.
displayed in the event’s key networking everyone at an association conference, areas, giving students an opportunity the potential to create a positive the examples being set in Copenhagen and
to present their ideas to delegates and change in the world at large, or in local Sydney, their association events can have
immerse themselves amongst industry communities, is huge. a lasting legacy — one that goes beyond
But the specialised nature of these
If venues and destinations can follow
simply putting a beehive on the roof.
ICC Sydney CEO Geoff
Donaghy at Reconciliation
Plan Smoking Ceremony