Association Event Network December 2018 | 页面 5

December 2018  ABPCO 5 “Ultimately, what sits at the heart of the matter is the ability to demonstrate success no matter what scale it is measured upon” Reward those who go the extra mile Heather Lishman, association director, ABPCO, on giving something back he Academy Awards, a Nobel Prize, the Grammy Awards, a Pulitzer… the list goes on. Some people think there are too many awards in the world. Here at ABPCO we would argue differently, surely there should be more opportunities to recognise success and best practice – no matter what field you work in. It is true that some awards are less relevant and perhaps less transparent than others – mere popularity contests. However, those that are audited, judged by experts or reviewed by peers offer a true sense of achievement to the winners. Just being shortlisted is a testament to the quality of the work undertaken: but to win, to stand in front of an audience of your clients and peers and be judged a leader is truly special. ABPCO’s Chairmen’s Awards are coming soon (SEC, Glasgow, 12 December) and they will shine a light on our own niche area of expertise and those individuals working tirelessly in the field of association events. We put those shortlisted under pressure on the day by asking them to present their entry to the audience, who will then vote on the ultimate winner. Across the three main categories the entrants will have to demonstrate ongoing best practice and a tireless focus on the delivery of a great project that achieved measurable goals. That is ultimately what sits at the heart of the matter is the ability to demonstrate success no matter what scale it is measured upon. Awards are an opportunity to stand out from the crowd. In 2018 we have more entries of higher quality than ever before. That should not deter you from entering in 2019. I look forward to seeing your entries.