ReportsnReports . com adds new research report Global Assisted Reproductive Technology Market 2017-2021 . Assisted reproductive technology ( ART ) is a wide range of procedures that are used to treat infertility in men and women . Generally , ART procedures include techniques , such as IVF , ZIFT , GIFT , ICSI , and artificial insemination , which help individuals to conceive a child .
The analysts forecast global assisted reproductive technology market to grow at a CAGR of 4.11 % during the period 2017-2021 . This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global assisted reproductive technology market for 2017-2021 . To calculate the market size , the report considers the revenue generated from retail sales of ART solutions to end-users , such as infertility clinics and hospitals .
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The following companies are the key players in the global assisted reproductive technology market : Vitrolife , Ferring Pharmaceuticals , Irvine Scientific , and Cook Medical . Other Prominent Vendors in the market are : CellCura , EMD Serono , Esco Micro , IKS International ( Gonagen Medikal ), INVO Bioscience , IVFtech , CRITEX ( MedITEX ), Pantec Biosolutions , Research Instruments , and Smiths Medical .
Global Assisted Reproductive Technology Market 2017-2021 , has been prepared based on an indepth market analysis with inputs from industry experts . The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years . The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market .
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Commenting on the assisted reproductive technology market report , an analyst said : “ The latest trend gaining momentum in the market is increasing number of single-parent families . In the last few years , the number of single women using fertility clinics had doubled since the start of the decade . The large majority of single parents are either divorced or separated , widowed , or not been married . This trend of single parent families is gaining traction due to social acceptance . One major reason is that there has been a notable increase in divorces in developed countries such as the US resulting in an increased number of single parent families .”
According to the assisted reproductive technology market report , one of the major drivers for this market is increase in awareness of ART . There is a notable increase in awareness of ART procedures among women compared with the last decade . This nurtured a positive attitude and acceptance among women worldwide . The increase in awareness can be attributed to several factors such as the rise in education level among the female population and the rise in the number of working women .
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Further , the report states that one of the major factors hindering the growth of this market is lack of strict regulatory oversight and limited reimbursements . Infertility treatment is considered a lifestyle procedure rather than serious medicine . Health insurance plans commonly , but not always , pay for services related to testing for infertility . For instance , in the US , which does not have any infertility coverage mandate , most insurance policies do not cover fertility and IVF service payment .