Assisi: An Online Journal of Arts & Letters Volume 4, Issues 1 & 2 | Page 11

! NOELLE ADAMO SUSTAINABILITY Come to me all bud, then open, already hot enough in March to, you know, slap me with a fragrance to forego the freeze of January forever. Give it to me all mixed up. Call me out in search of snow after years of nothing to bring us to blankets and fire so I can find you married by white and moonlight after miles of walking south, or north, the compass doesn't matter, only my warm breath, and the rose in your hand. Pour on more waterfalls. Let the fields flood again this Fall and river the crops away. Let us pretend we have nothing to do with it and dive into a stream of pumpkins to grasp the feel of something round, like the earth, that we can wrap our arms around for dear life until we find land. But then the earthquakes will begin, and when the gardens overgrow by June and the vines bind us to each other and to the trees we will learn of Wild again, for certain this time, and of connection, lasting. !!Assisi!!!5!