Assisi: An Online Journal of Arts & Letters Volume 4, Issues 1 & 2 | Page 74
Before the stories
were told by men
Sita wanted Kali
and Kali wanted Sita.
Before Tara was green
she danced with Kwan Yin.
Aphrodite and Artemis
Isis and Athena all celebrated
that which could not be tamed
and the world was created.
Now they are carved in stone,
still, but their eyes still speak
of the ocean, of the leaps
they took and the dives,
when they were dolphins.
They stare but their eyes touch,
but swell, surge, move
amidst people who crush
and destruct. If you notice.
Under the surface they are fluent
in silence but crumble,
as wind wears down both silence
and stone with breath, and time,
and the drum on the shore
that carries one stone to another.
One child clutches a piece
and another child throws one
while neither understands
under the stone is the song.
The bombs fall and the drills dig
but the Mother trembles
louder with volcanoes,
and all that is red, pours.