Finance Report
We have audited the summarised financial report of
Assisi Aid Projects Inc. for the year ended 30 June
2016 in accordance with the Australian Auditing
Standards and to provide reasonable assurance as to
whether the Assisi Aid Projects Inc. has complied in all
material respects with the relevant requirements of the
Australian Council for International Development
Code of Conduct.
Auditor’s opinion
In our opinion Assisi Aid Projects Inc. has complied
in all material respects, with the requirements of the
Australian Council for International Development
Code of Conduct and the information reported in
the summarised financial report is consistent with
the annual statutory financial report from which it is
derived and upon which we expressed an unqualified
opinion in our report to the members. For better
understanding of the scope of our audit, this report
should be read in conjunction with our independent
auditor’s report on the annual statutory financial report.
Assisi Aid Projects Inc. statement by
members of the committee
We, Tony Britt and Andrew Gilchrist, being members
of the Committee of Management of Assisi Aid Projects
Inc. certify that:
1. The statements attached to this certificate give
a true and fair view of the financial position and
performance of Assisi Aid Projects Inc. during and
at the end of the year of the association ending
30 June 2016.
2. At the date of this statement, there are reasonable
grounds to believe that Assisi Aid Projects Inc. will
be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.
This statement is made in accordance with a resolution
of the Committee and is signed for and on behalf of
the Committee by:
Tony Britt, President Andrew Gilchrist, Treasurer
The Committee of Management consists of:
Chartered Accountants Level 7, 181 William Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
John Gavens, Partner
Dated 22 September 2016
Our supporters
We once again say thanks to the many generous
supporters, donors and volunteers that make our
work possible.
While we continue to focus on empowering people
and communities rather than providing ongoing
financial support, handouts or welfare, we could not
continue without the support of our donors.
We thank you for your contribution.
President Tony Britt PSM (BVSc MPharm, MACVS,
GAICD), Treasurer Andrew Gilchrist (B. Bus. Ag
Commerce, CPA), Secretary Philippa Sholl (B. Com/
B. Eng.), Tom Dumaresq (JP OAM), Brigid Mulcahy,
Dione Brooks, Judith Ascroft, Beth Sargent,
Amanda Scothern, Tim Chapman and
Nimarta Khuman. Christian Nielsen retired
May 11th, 2016.
Thank you to the following organisations who
have provided financial, pro-bono and in-kind
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Australian Council for International Development
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited
Logan & Hall, Accountants & Advisers
Crowe Horwath Australia – Melbourne
Morris Family Foundation
Australian Ethical Investment
Charity Berfred