Assessment questionnaires Final Assessment Report | Page 7

ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME 1.1.10. CLIL UNITS EXCELLENT All the outcomes have been achieved and some not previously planned which have involved other school subjects. 0% 40% 60% GOOD Most of the outcomes planned for the units have been achieved and some not previously planned. MUST IMPROVE Some outcomes planned for the units have been achieved. POOR Very few objectives planned were achieved. The CLIL units have meant a lot of hard and collaborative work among teachers along the two years. We were totally unexperienced but we think they can be easily integrated into the school curricula and can provide any teacher with an interactive and easy resource. 1.1. COMMENTS ON QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT  Most project tasks (about 90%) have been committed according to the application form.  We have produced a lot of outcomes especially as regarding IT and Language competences.  A great number of products and activities have been done during the project at our school. 6 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015682