Assessment questionnaires Final Assessment Report | Page 5

ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME 1.1.6. Number of extracurricular activities done based on the project. EXCELLENT 5 or extracurricular activities have been done at each school participating in the project. 0% 40% 60% GOOD 3 or 4 e extracurricular activities have been done at all the schools participating in the project. MUST IMPROVE A minimum of 2 extracurricular activities have been done at the schools. POOR Extracurricular activities haven't been done The extracurricular activities have increased from last year reaching a high number in every school. 1.1.7. Number of subjects involved in the project at each school EXCELLENT From 70% to 100% of subjects have been involved in the project with a good coordination and results. 0% 20% 40% 40% GOOD More than 50% of subjects have been involved in some of the activities of the project but coordination must improve. MUST IMPROVE About 30 % of subjects have been involved but participation hasn't been even. POOR Only 1 or 2 subjects have been involved. Not all teachers are willing to participate in projects. Sometimes we find difficulties in finding cooperation from other colleagues at school. 4 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015682