Assessment questionnaires Final Assessment Report | Page 10

ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME 1.2.3. Teachers an students points of view on the activities and the results of the project by means of interviews and after activities questionnaires. EXCELLENT Questionnaires have been applied to the different members of the educational community as well as specific questionnaires for some activities and the international meetings. Forums were created to gather students and teachers’ opinions. 20% 0% 60% 20% GOOD Questionnaires have been applied to the different members of the educational community as well as specific questionnaires for some activities. MUST IMPROVE Questionnaires have been applied by the end of every year. POOR After activities questionnaires haven’t been applied. We have written short reports on every transnational meeting and short-term learning activity based on the questionnaires answered by families, students and teachers. 9 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015682