Assessment Magazine | Page 2

Defining Assessment


To assess means to evaluate student's achievement. An assessment can be done in school, work, or simple fun activities. Bottom line goal of the assessment is evaluation of a skill or capability. The next question is this; how does digital portfolios relate to assessment process? One thing that comes to mind is that digital portfolios allow the instructor to monitor the students’ progress over time. For instance, consider this example; few months ago we started this technology class, over time we got better with our artifacts and our portfolios are taking shape and its own unique life. At the end of the class our instructor can go to our portfolio and assess the entire learning that took place.

Spring 2013

Student Assessment

By Rita Loop

According to the article How To Assess Students by Honey Denson found at the website: Digital Porfolios are an excellent way to assess a student's progress.

Students can assess their learning process using a digital porfolio, the student will post examples of their work over a period of time, and place it in a file. The teachers, friends, spouses and family members can look through the portfolio to see the student's improvement, staying the same, or regressing. During a conference, a teacher can simply pull the student's portfolio with proof the learner's experience.

Teachers can guide the student to set and choose their learning goals, grade their participation and collaboration, write about their learning experience, include a presentation about their work, etc. The assessment is done by the student who is improving this learning outcome.

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