Assemblies of God Empowered Magazine Kingdom Initiatives | Page 6

EXECUTIVE LET’S DO SOMETHING: PERHAPS THE LORD WILL WORK FOR US 1 SAMUEL 14:1-23 By Pastor Mina Acraman, Executive Presbyter, Senior Pastor, Crossroads Encounter Fellowship, Whitianga, Coromandel, NZ If you don’t know the story, stop and read it now! In this dramatic event king Saul’s son Jonathan and his armour bearer put themselves in life threatening danger and God used them mightily to initiate a great victory in battle and the breaking of the domination of an oppressive power. A desire had been born in Israel to revolt and break off the tyranny of Philistine rule. King Saul had led the revolt, but when the enemy turned up to crush Israel’s desire for freedom, he could not engage them. He sat under gathered armies heard all the noise of this, and the resulting confusion created panic when an earthquake suddenly accompanied the battle. Saul’s army surged forward, others came from their hiding places and Israelites who were collaborating with the enemy changed sides. Israel won the day and God was glorified in battle. Hallelujah! His people were set free again. It’s easy to read this story of heroic risk taking simply as history and be entertained by it, but in actuality, extending the work of the church “Maybe God will work for us. There's no rule that says God can only deliver by using a big army. No one can stop God from saving when he sets his mind to it.” (1 Sam 14:6 MSG) a pomegranate tree with 600 willing but unarmed men. He was a king with a collapsed kingdom, a pathetic figure. They had no iron weapons, because the Philistines had not allowed them to have blacksmiths; only the King and his son had the proper weapons. Jonathan suddenly decided to attack a Philistine outpost by himself, with only his armour bearer to help him. They took the hardest way possible, between two craggy rock outcrops, one called slippery, the other called thorny. They got over the ridge and killed 20 men, the 6 | EMPOWERED EMPOWERED MAGAZINE MAGAZINE often means we are caught between ‘a slippery rock and a thorny hard place’, or as some would say; ‘between the devil and the deep blue sea’. Initiating things in God’s kingdom will call for moments where we need tenacity and the kind of faith and courage that was exercised by Jonathan and his armour bearer. What was it that fired up Jonathan’s courage? First, he was already a man of action, having killed the local governor (1 Samuel 13:3-4) and was now following through on his commitment to change the situation. His courageous attitude meant he was prepared to step up and face a huge army or die in the attempt. In the words of Benjamin Franklin; “Nothing ventured, nothing gained!” Secondly, Jonathan knew something that enabled him to see possibilities. He expressed this when he said: “Maybe God will work for us. There's no rule that says God can only deliver by using a big army. No one can stop God from saving when he sets his mind to it.” (1 Sam 14:6 MSG) The world lies in great darkness. Without the bright light of the Gospel bringing hope and salvation the world will inch closer and closer every day toward a lost eternity. Without the power of the work of Calvary billions of human beings will be lost forever. Let’s not be found sitting under a tree idle on the day of battle, for, ‘while unbelief sits, faith goes’. While Saul was sending for the ephod to seek guidance, Jonathan was taking action. Let us use what we have in our hands now! As Jonathan’s armour-bearer said; “Do all that is in your heart. Go then; here I am with you, according to your heart.” (14:6 NKJV). Initiate things for God. It’s time to give it your best shot! Have a go with your inspired idea, even if you don’t have all the resources at hand or have figured out the whole plan. The Lord will confirm while you are in the process of going to do it, and may continue to give the green light to go forward! How exciting! Let’s go see what will happen, ‘perhaps the Lord will work for us’.