Asseco Data Systems - About Company (EN) | Page 2

Strength and stability of an IT giant, flexibility of a small business. Asseco Data Systems S.A. was created as a result of amalgamating 6 companies from the Asseco Group. Each of the companies to join the Group has been carrying out its business activities on the Polish IT market for several decades, in total comprising more than 200 years of experience. manufactures and its products, i.a.: the European, African and Asian develops software, among others for the leasing market. The driving force behind the Company is sector and local governments; it provides IT close infrastructure and solutions for smart cities and knowledge of its needs, which is supported by the buildings, offers data centers, trainings and human activities carried out in several offices throughout capital management systems; it also specializes in Poland. These advantages make it possible to services of security and trust data as well as mass maintain communication. on companies, as well as to capitalize on the potential local of Asseco Group – the Polish IT giant with an Asseco Data providing Systems The services S.A. business to is enterprises focused and government administration on the domestic market. The company is also entering foreign markets with ADS integrates 10 business divisions: 2 | The power of creation. contact with flexibility the which Client and characterizes international scale of operations. excellent smaller