Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2014 - Featuring Louise Hay | Page 45

Author and security consultant Gavin de Becker wrote in his book The Gift of Fear, about PINs or Pre-Incident Indicators. These are tactics that predators use to gain control over victims and usually victims will go along with them against their intuition because women are conditioned to be nice. Here are a few of the ploys they use. Charm is one. Feigning to need help is another. Refusing to accept no as a complete sentence. (I think Oprah explained it brilliantly this way.) And saying things like, “I promise I won’t hurt you” actually indicates that someone is about to hurt you. Women sometimes do not want to ruffle feathers so we will continue an unwanted conversation for the sake of appearing polite. All of us need to be aware that these are traps and that even if your intuition says run and you hesitate and think, well, that’s crazy, he just said he wouldn’t hurt me, you are putting yourself in danger. Do not let your nice girl syndrome or prior abuse stop you from acknowledging your gut instinct about people, places and things that just don’t feel right. Picture yourself as an airport security person and think, how would they view this situation? Airport security in Israel rely on the human factor and looks for signs in conversation of anxiousness, intention and mood. Think of it like the fan that comes on when your laptop gets hot or the airbag that deploys in your car. It’s a totally sophisticated safety feature of the human body. You might sweat, you might get the nervous stomach or think of a plan like, I could just avoid eye contact with the pushy person on the street and say loudly, I’m late. The trick is when your mind tells you what to do, don’t override your safety feature! The cool part of all of this is that we can develop our intuition to be one of our most powerful tools to guide us through life, not just alert us to harm. I love what Gabrielle Bernstein says about fear. “Fear is a great teacher. The world is a classroom and people are our assignments.” So we need fear, but we don’t have to be ruled by it. Our intuition just needs to be acknowledged, nurtured and trained like a Spartan warrior. Before making a huge decision if you tapped into your intuition instead of your ego, do you think the answer might be slightly different? Oh yeah! Intuition is linked to your soul, the authentic voice within you. When you get that gut feeling it is your innermost truth alerting you to something, which may be good or bad for 45 WISDOM & SELF-GROWTH that is sending us warning signals. Ever get around someone and just felt sick to your stomach with anxiety? Not about the task at hand or a deadline but just an authority figure or person who was so unpleasant and your stomach would be upset? We need to pay strong attention when we get these messages from our bodies. They are trying to communicate with us!