Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2014 - Featuring Louise Hay | Page 35

Why? Because you are here to learn that particular lesson, it’s part of your sacred contract. The Universe will try and get you to learn the spiritual lesson you signed up for before incarnating, and if you don’t … it will simply send you another opportunity. Each time you miss the lesson, the Universe sends a bigger message… ignore the Universe long enough and it will whack you upside the head with a cosmic 2X4. Not a pleasant experience I can assure you. 5 Empowering Thoughts For Overcoming Fear 1. Fear is not real. Fear is an illusion based on information from your past or potential future – the what-if’s (What if ______ happens?). 2. Be scared and do it anyway. Acknowledge your fear and continue to take action forward no matter what. 3. What you resist persists and grows. The lesson will be put in your path again, perhaps different circumstances, different cast members but same core lesson. Remember the cosmic 2X4… 4. Take action towards what scares you most. What you most desire is on the other side of fear and is waiting for you to come claim it! 5. Everything is figure-out-able. You can course correct mid-air. I’ve done it a zillion times. Dear one, fear is a gift if you utilize it as a life tool to grow and evolve, accomplish and succeed in life. As with everything, perspective is key. Put on your magical lens and see that fear is your friend and not your nemesis. My deepest heartfelt wish is that the next time fear pops up in your life, and it will; you remember my words, “Be scared and do it anyway”. I can promise you that wherever I am, I will be there with you in Spirit, rooting for you and waving my pom-poms wildly. I believe in you! Read Onli