Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) June/July 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 47

Uncovering Your Truth. You have inner wisdom. You were born with it. What may have happened to it, over time, is that it became hidden. It became covered up by ‘shoulding’ all over yourself. You worry more about how you ‘think’ you are supposed to act, what you ‘think’ you should do, and by following beliefs that no longer serve who you are at the core. To live your truth and live in the success that is you, you must go within to discover it. There are examples of this kind of success in life. In sports, in business, in parenting and more, you must know the components of how to uncover success. You are no different. Each of us has unique talents, abilities, and gifts. Understanding these and seeing the golden thread through them will show the truth of who you are. Seeing this golden thread is about seeing your spirit and the light that lives within. Uncovering this may take time to see. After all, it took time to cover it up, right? But, doing this, allows you to be your authentic self and, when you are doing this, Joy shines through. Everyone experiences times in their lives when they are living confidently and courageously. It’s the times when you feel most alive, centered and happy. You in-joy each moment. It’s when you are in the groove, and everything seems to flow. Even with challenges, you seem to rise to the occasion to meet them head on and accomplish overcoming them with great ease. Understanding what you are doing and how you are in these moments is the starting point to uncovering your inner wisdom that is navigating this period. Start by being the detective & uncover your truth by asking yourself these questions: • When have you had experiences like this? Write down the three or four experiences that you have had. • What was I doing precisely during these times? Be descriptive, use emotion and adjectives to depict these experiences. • What did you love about these experiences? What was the result that you created where you felt so much joy? • Finally, what is my inner wisdom telling me in this about my unique brilliance? What is the golden thread wrapped through these experiences? So many women capture their truth by doing an exercise like this. For some, what comes up is their laughter eases all moments, or they see they have the ability to bring peace through diplomacy. Others might see that they spread love or release pain. What will happen when you do this exercise is that 47 To live your truth and live in the success that is you, you must go within to discover it.