Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) June/July 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 41

Jumpstart Your Path to in 10 Minutes a Day M BY MARCIA MARINER any women are experiencing a shift within and we have already taken steps to break out of old patterns that are no longer serving us. As a facilitator of women’s empowerment circles, I have witnessed the acceleration of transformation that can occur when we provide ourselves with the skills and support we require to achieve our dreams. As we learn to become conscious co-creators of our lives, the feeling of empowerment and optimism returns to us We refuse to settle and we want to blaze our trail and prosper in our lives. For many, this could mean leaving a low paying or unsatisfying career to pursue a long- awaited calling. We may leave a toxic relationship, discover our creative gifts and what we are passionate about. 41 Sacred Wealth