Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) June/July 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 39


All nature communicates

Do plants communicate with us ? Do trees resonate with our energy ? What about the earth ? Does wind respond to our emotions ? Does water understand our thoughts ?
If the answer to all of these questions is yes ( and the answer is yes ), then how do we make this happen in our own life ?
It ’ s a practice that seems complicated to those at the beginning of their spiritual path , and effortless to those who ’ ve been walking their path for awhile .
This is because full presence is all that is required .
When we become one of One : when we inhabit our full Divine reality , even for just a few minutes , we become able to resonate with everything — even the tree , deer , wind , water .

We are not separate

It is common to think of nature as something separate from us . That we are human , and nature is nature , and these are different , somehow . But we are not separate from nature , any more than we are separate from anything in the Universe . may become the highway for various bugs : ants will crawl over you , gnats will pester you . Bees may buzz . Smaller life forms will also find you in your animal state : seeds , burrs , spores , lichens , mosses . In an hour , you will become so intimately involved with nature that it will be hard to know which is nature and which is you .

Nature changes our vibration

Yet it is not only our interaction with nature in the physical form that shows us our connection ; it is also our interaction with nature in the energetic or vibrational plane .
If you have even sat outside quietly and meditated , you will begin to notice that your own vibration changes the longer you are in that space . You become calmer . Your mind clears . You become spiritually aware .
You experience consciousness .
You may even move into a state of bliss . These are all things that just happen , when you are simply “ being ” in the natural world .

Nature responds to our thoughts

Something else very interesting happens when you become aware of the vibration of the natural world around you : Nature will begin to respond to your thought vibrations .
Try this for yourself . Sit under a tree for an hour and watch the leaves wave in the breeze ; or lie your back in the grass and gaze at the sky .
In that hour , you will become intimately involved with nature ! You will stop your experience of being sanitized , clean and protected “ human ” and become “ animal ” instead . Your skin may become damp from where you are sitting . You may become exposed to wind or sun . You
For example , if you are recalling a particularly charged memory , and you are very focused on this feeling , you may suddenly notice that the wind picks up , or the sun suddenly goes gloomy , or it begins to rain .
This will be enough to make you take notice : to think “ hmmm , that ’ s something .” And then , you will shift into awareness and start paying attention , and you will realize that nature is providing you with a soul message .