Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/March 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue: Inner Prospe | Page 89

PRACTICE MAGICAL LIVING: I sum up magical living as choosing to look at your life {the good, the bad and the ugly} through the lens of possibility, and learning how to tap into nature and the energetic forces that exist to co-create your life in partnership with the Divine. I created a wonderful group The Goddess Lifestyle Sisterhood™ for spiritual women who want to curate a sacred practice and learn how to live magically every day. You can learn more about it here. 8 PRACTICE BEING COMFORTABLE WITH THE UNCOMFORTABLE: Staying comfortable means one thing to me >>> not growing or expanding. Magic happens outside your comfort zone, so stay with feelings of discomfort and walk towards and into your fear. Make the phone call. Record the video. In a nutshell, feel the fear and do it anyway. Let’s make magic happen this year - together! 7 Read Online! Passionista Lisa Marie Rosati – Intuitive Business & Success Mentor and Lifestyle Expert Lisa Marie Rosati is the Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan®, expert columnist for Aspire Magazine, international best-selling author, and High Priestess of The Goddess Lifestyle Sisterhood™. Believing that women CAN have it all, Lisa has successfully created a thriving, global brand while being a devoted wife and raising her children. It’s Lisa’s passion to teach ambitious, soulful women how to create an abundant, purpose-filled life, and prosperous laptop business they love! Lisa’s unique combination of strategic thinking, laser sharp intuition, vast knowledge of holistic health, psychology, human behavior, healing modalities and women’s spirituality plus 20+ years of metaphysical study and practice, results in an effective mix of spirituality and “real world,” no-nonsense practicality that supports her private clients and community in embracing their own Inner Goddess. Lisa exemplifies the Goddess Lifestyle as she embraces her powerful feminine nature with pride and encourages other women to do the same. Visit today and claim your free “Create Sacred Space ANYWHERE You Desire! Eguide. 89