Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/March 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue: Inner Prospe | Page 87

So, no matter if you consider yourself spiritual or religious, here are some of my favorite “all paths lead to one” practices that will help you deepen your spiritual connection and live more inspired and powerfully in 2018: 1 PRACTICE DEEPER LEARNING: Filling your mind with healthy “brain food” is essential to keeping your vibration high and outlook positive, so shut off the news and read a book. My favorite way to read books is listening to them on Audible. I listen to books on personal growth, business, spirituality and any topic that interests me at the moment. I always have my phone with me, so it’s pretty easy to find time to stick my earbuds in my ears and listen to a few chapters of a book while I do something else; run errands, walk on the treadmill, cook dinner, etc. 2 PRACTICE DAILY PRAYER: Make time to talk to your Creator EVERY DAY and on an as needed basis. Prayer and connection to a higher power is essential to cultivating deep faith. I have found that faith is the mystical substance I’ve needed to lean on for most of the last 2 years. I’ve encountered many changes that were unexpected… faith that everything would work out as it should, is what kept me putting one foot in front of the other. 3 PRACTICE LETTING GO: Holding on for dear life about anything or anyone is going to bring you sorrow and heartache at some point. A tremendous amount of drama kicks up whenever I cling too tightly to an idea of how something is supposed to look in my life or in a relationship. Practicing letting go of expectation brings inner peace and more flow to daily life. 87 Practicing letting go of expectation brings inner peace and more flow to daily life.