Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/March 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue: Inner Prospe | Page 39

I want to share some difficult lessons I learned the hard way. Usually that’s how I get the message. Admittedly it could be right under my nose but I don’t pay attention until it hits me on the head. 1  You attract everything into your life—the good, the bad and the ugly. If you look deeply into your most recent challenge, there will be pieces that you can pull together. Parts that you created may have caused someone else’s participation but the root cause will come back to you. Ever notice that in all your conflicts there is one common denominator? You! I know it is upsetting but it is also a wakeup call. You have more control on what happens in your life than you think. You are not a victim You can choose to be the observer 2 Any scene is a temporary image on the screen-it doesn’t make up the whole freaking movie. However, I see clients that allow one bad thing takeover their lives. They keep replaying the same scene over and over again. Every time reliving the pain of loss, betrayal and heartache. They are so identified with their pain they don’t know how to move forward. Life requires that you change the scene, the cast of characters. Nothing is permanent in your life. Everything is subject to change. Why not use the power of change to work for you? Write a new script, it’s like a vision board. You can pick and choose what you want in the new version. Make it as detailed as possible. Put tons of emotion into it. Make it exciting! Your creating new images for your big screen. It’s so easy to forget how powerful you really are. People that experience great success 39 LIFE REQUIRES THAT YOU CHANGE THE SCENE, THE CAST OF CHARACTERS. NOTHING IS PERMANENT IN YOUR LIFE. EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. of your experience or you can choose to be the director of your screen play. And you, dearie, it stops you in your tracks. You drop to your knees-you feel paralyzed. My own example is the implosion of my marriage. I was curled up in a ball. The most common response is for you to hit the pause button. The movie stops and you are stuck in a gut wrenching scene. What if you kept the movie running, slowly but moving forward. You would have a better chance of directing the outcome that you want. You are taking action rather than sitting back and letting someone else run the show.