ASPC Update May 2022 | Page 14


Board of Directors members from Hong Kong 2021 - Paris 2023
President :
Tapio Korjus ( FIN )
tapio . korjus @ sportperformancecentres . org
Secretary General :
Josep Escoda ( ESP )
josep . escoda @ sportperformancecentres . org
Executive Vice president :
Debbie Low ( CAN )
debbie . low @ sportperformancecentres . org
Treasurer :
Steve Lawrence ( AUS )
steve . lawrence @ sportperformancecentres . org
Vice President for America :
Ken Bagnell ( CAN )
ken . bagnell @ sportperformancecentres . org
Vice President for Europe :
Dr . Harry Baehr ( GER )
harry . baehr @ sportperformancecentres . org
Vice President for Africa :
Dr . Kevin Subban ( SAF )
kevin . subban @ sportperformancecentres . org
Vice President for Asia :
Dr . Takeshi Kukidome ( JPN )
takeshi . kukidome @ sportperfomancecentres . org
Vice President for Oceania :
Anne Marie Harrison ( AUS )
annemarie . harrisson @ sportperformancecentres . org
Past President :
Dale Henwood ( CAN )
dale . henwood @ sportperformancecentres . org
Previous Forum Host :
Brendon Goodenough ( SAF )
brendon @ sportperformancecentres . org
Next Forum Host :
Dr . Raymond So ( HKG )
raymond . so @ sportperformancecentres . org
Next Forum Host :
babak . amir-tahmasseb @ sportperformancecentres . org
Host Secretariat :
Silvia Matesanz ( ESP )
silvia . matesanz @ sportperformancecentres . org
Former Presidents : Mike English ( USA ) In Memoriam Jukka Lahtinen ( FIN )
In Memoriam
Please feel free to contact any of the ASPC Board Members with ideas / suggestions