ASPC Update January 2018 | Page 2

We have opted for a digital magazine format to enable us to make use of technology and improve access to digital content. On the 20th December it will be only 50 days to go to the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. Best wishes to all ASPC member Centres who are busy with the final stages of athlete preparation for the Games. We have included an article on the Athlete365 experience which will be launched at PyeongChang and is well worth a visit to anyone attending the Games. Many thanks to Rachel Spry for assisting with this and to the #IOCMedia team for the images used in our newsletter. Forum X in Durban was a resounding success both for networking and professional development. We have included the links to the presentation slides and photo gallery as well as a feature on one of the Durban Forum Legacy projects that was commissioned by the Prime Sports Development Trust and PowerPlate, who was a sponsor at the Durban Forum. Manu, Tapio, Victor and the rest of the European Forum Team are ready to welcome ASPC members to the 6th ASPC European Forum which is being held at Macolin from 14- 17 January. They have secured an excellent line up of speakers, Welcome to the new look ASPC Update please see the programme on page 14. Manu has kindly arranged free tickets to the FIS Ski World Cup event at Lauberhorn for anyone attending the European Forum: For more details on this, please follow this link: http:// We are proud to announce that the 1st ASPC African Forum will be held in Durban from 23-24 August 2018. This is an exciting development for our current (and future African members) and has been facilitated by the hosting of the International World Forum in Durban this year. Please “Save the Date” for World Forum XI which is being co-hosted by FC Barcelona and CAR San Cugat from Wednesday, 25 September 2019 to Saturday, 28 September 2019. Francesc, Josep and their team have already started their preparations. Please look out for more information on the XIth International Forum on Elite Sport, Barcelona 2019 in future ASPC Updates. Wishing you and your athletes everything of the best for 2018 Brendon Goodenough and Jochem Schellens