ASMSG Romance Erotica Ezine June 2014 | Page 36

Blood and Reign – Cassandra Myles Witch Series Book 3 Electa Graham Author head for good measure. I had no regrets for what I had done. She had tortured her own people and killed my mate. If anything her death was far too swift and she suffered not nearly enough. The only pang of guilt I felt was over the death of her son. Conal had been a victim too. He had been born and raised while imprisoned. She tried to raise him to be just as evil and twisted as she was, but only succeeded in creating a sad confused man with the mind of a child. A broken boy who ached to have someone to love him. Sneak Peek at the cover for Blood and Reign If you haven’t read the first book Blood and Loss you can read the first 5 chapters here. 01/blood-and-loss.html Warning this chapter has not been seen by my editor. All mistakes are my own and I apologize in advance. Chapter One Shambling out like wounded soldiers from a war, Dominick and Killian left me to face Quintus alone. They had been enemies, now they were brother in arms and I had come to love them both. It might not have been a war, but we had been prisoners. We had worked together to keep each other safe and tonight we were free. After one quick and bloody battle, the queen of darkness was dead. I had drained her magical essence and lopped off her Despite all that, she was still his mother and he had loved her. When he saw me kill her he attacked me. True to his word Kael, king of the Slaugh came just in time to save me, killing Conal in the process. Her people and her son were all just fodder for her cruel and sadistic pleasures. Killing her had freed both the light and dark fae from her brutal rule but it wasn’t likely they were going to be grateful. Mab might have been a mad evil bitch, but she had kept order and she was fae. Now that job was on my shoulders. The shoulders of a human who had only lived a tiny spec of time compared to those I had to rule. The shoulders of someone who had never even been class president let alone a queen of an ancient race. To say I wasn’t feeling up to the task was an understatement of the century. King Kael, the ruler of the powerful Slaugh, was going to keep the peace physically, but I had to reunite them. I had to make them see that what they were doing to each other was only going to lead to their destruction and maybe even the end of earth. I had to help them find a way to work together. They had been feuding since before people populated the earth. No problem right? Easy peasy. The reality of the situation punched me in the gut and opened a very firmly closed triple locked door. One I had slammed shut and locked to save my sanity, but now terror crept in and sat down, making my body go cold and numb. Panic gripped my heart and sped it up, then seeped into my lungs so I couldn’t get enough air. I was dying. I had to be. Then, just when I thought I was gasping for my last breathe, the fear slowly faded and I found myself with my forehead pressed to the cold floor, gasping for breath, finger tips pressed into the stone as I tried to gain control of my body. I wasn’t just up shit creek without a paddle, I had no canoe and I was wearing lead shoes. Reality was setting in and it was big, bad and scary as fuck. I was now Queen of the Fae. Little old Cassandra Joan Myles from Halifax, Nova Scotia was going to reign over people who had been alive since before we had discovered fire and as a race have existed long enough ago they could have ridden a dinosaur. The good news was it would look spectacular on my curriculum vitae, the bad news was if I didn’t do a good job there might not be anyone left alive when they called my references. I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of all impossible thoughts. The time I had allotted for a breakdown was